The Belfast
Wolfetone/McCracken Cumann condemns Elizabeth Windsor’s upcoming visit to
Occupied Ireland. She is to visit the North of Ireland on June 26 and 27 as
part of the Diamond Jubilee tour of the UK, a tour that should not even be
associated with the people of Ireland in the first place.
commander-in-chief of the British armed forces, Windsor’s presence in the North
will not only cause disruption due to the increased presence of the RUC/PSNI
and their heavy-handed tactics, but is also a massive insult to all of the
families who have lost relatives and loved ones as a result of the illegal
occupation of the six counties.
While this
event is meant to signify 60 years on the throne for a member of a foreign
monarchy, it only reminds us, the Irish people, of the 800 years of bloodshed
and injustice that has been exacted on our country, due to a British induced
This woman
is a representative of a system that has brutalised our country for centuries
and due to Britain having no definitive right to be in Ireland, Elizabeth
Windsor should also unquestionably have no right to be here.
We urge people to take to the streets and show your opposition to this offensive visit by the 'Head of Britain's Armed Forces'.