"To break the connection with England" Wolfe Tone

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Latest RUC/PSNI Affront & Mockery of Justice. 3 Arrests on nonsensical charges.

The 32 County Sovereignty Movement would like to bring to the attention of the general public the most recent blatant incident of Political policing which took place yesterday (Thursday) in Derry city.
A car belonging to a young local man was stopped by the RUC to enable them to partake in one of their purely punitive random stop searches, which have been the subject of recent media interest and court challenges.
The car owner and 2 friends were removed from the car and during the search, the RUC removed a short decorative bat approximately 1ft long with an image of Che Guevara.. They then took a screwdriver, a girls St Cecilia school uniform and a small green coat to fit an 8 year old child.
Following the removal of these items from the car, the men were arrested and brought to Strand road RUC barracks where they were charged with "Having items which may be of use to terrorists!"
When the men arrived at Strand road,one of them was asked to remove his wedding ring. He refused!
Following the refusal the RUC manhandled the young man in an attempt to forcibly remove the ring almost breaking his finger in the process.
A doctor stood in the hall and as the man shouted for the doctor, he turned his back possibly to give himself deniability if injuries occurred.
As the men were being held and questioned in the barracks,raids were taking place on their houses, once again removing family phones and electrical items.
Part of the questioning involved the RUC asking the driver of the car if his DNA would be found on his 8 year old son's coat or his daughter's school uniform, which they had placed in evidence bags and produced before him.
The driver of the car has been the victim of a concerted campaign of  well documented harrassment over a long period of time, the RUC having influenced the Electricity board to turn the family's electricity supply off on 2 occassions last year, once at Christmas, leaving the wife and small children with no heat and light in a particularly cold spell until intervention from a local politician and an outcry from the general public.
He was also the individual to whom the RUC wrote a traffic ticket while he was walking in the street and had in fact no car with him.
The men were released on RUC bail which curfewed them and gave conditions that they were not to be in each other's company.
The deliberate manipulation of the law, invention of evidence and perjured statements by the RUC, which sees cases getting thrown out , week in, week out due to outrageous charges has not diminished and it's abundantly obvious that they are increasing by the day.
Abuse of process is a term that is being heard more and more but with no recourse or repercussion to those responsible for perjury and evidence invention/falsification.
The "Lawmakers" here are the lawbreakers. Human and civil rights of those who espouse Republican ideologies, the victims.