"To break the connection with England" Wolfe Tone

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

The 32 County Sovereignty Movement sends New Year greetings to all republicans and republican organisations struggling to restore Irish National Sovereignty. We send solidarity greetings to the families of the fallen and to those currently incarcerated for their political beliefs.

The great momentum inherent in Irish history is the drive toward national freedom. This momentum, mandated by our right as a sovereign people to pursue it, renders resistance to British occupation ...inevitable. As republicans our focus is to concentrate all our efforts to bring an end to this inevitable resistance. It is a needless distraction to focus on the symptom and not the cause.

2013 ended with yet another patchwork attempt to shore up the failure known as the Good Friday Agreement. We addressed Dr Haass directly when we asked him if he was truly interested in seeking a resolution of the Flags issue why not address the issue of sovereignty upon which any National Flag flies? Unless that fundamental issue is comprehensively addressed the core cause of conflict will remain.

Republicanism faces into 2014 with as much internal challenges as those arraigned against us. For our part the 32CSM have been active with other republicans in seeking common ground upon which republicanism can move forward. We reiterate again that republican unity is the only logical way forward. A divided republican base is a fundamental derogation from any republican principle.

The Centenary of 1916 is another year closer. That means another year less for republicans to prepare to mark this watershed. Republicans must be in a position to mark the Centenary with a clear statement of ability and relevance. Noble sentiments and historical homilies are not enough: the legacy of 1916 demands maximum effort from us all. The men and women who fought in Easter Week achieved this maximum and left us a clear template in which to follow them.

2016 must equally be relevant to the people of Ireland today. The Proclamation does not belong to ghosts but must be a living blueprint to shape a better society for our people. That can only happen if we take the Proclamation down from over the mantelpiece and bring into the heart of our communities. Republicans must be the vehicle for this and the level of our success in doing so will be the true merit of our honouring of 1916.

We are preparing initiatives to advance this process in a way in which all republicans can involve themselves. We wish to demonstrate leadership and resourcefulness by first and foremost not claiming narrow ownership of the initiatives we will propose. We urge all republicans to approach these proposals with the advancement of republicanism in 2014 and beyond to their fore.
beir bua.