Easter Solidarity statement from the Hugo Chavez Peoples Defense Front
Comrades and friends The Hugo Chavez Peoples Defense Front Send Revolutionary Greetings to the 32CSM its membership, Leadership and Prisoners.
HCPDF is a grassroots group of Venezuelans, Latin Americans, and Supporters aimed to defeat the attacks on Venezuela and its right to determine there own destiny. Like your struggle against British Colonialism the fighting for self determination has been going on since the time of Simon Bolivar. Since the Start of the new Bolivarian Revolution led by Hugo Chavez and Continued by Maduro the US has launched all sorts of attacks to once again drag us into there chains. the most recent attacks being the violent chile like coup that they are trying to orchestrate with the so called peaceful protestors armed and aided by the US. But like the coup that the used to try to remove Chavez this too will fail!!!We Send you fraternal solidarity, particularly to the international department that has been supportive in building bridges between our two movements, and wish you success on the anniversary of the Easter uprising.
Long Live A Unified and Free Ireland,
Long Live The 32CSM,
Long Live The Bolivarian Revolution,
TAL 32 Venceremos
Easter solidarity statement from the Anti-Colonial Working Group (Canada)
Comrades and Friends from the 32CSM
ACWG sends you fraternal greetings on this glorious day when we remember those who fought and died for the sake of a unified Ireland free from economic political and military control by the British.
We stand with you in friendship and solidarity as you struggle against the normalization process aimed to destroy the dreams of those who rose up today for the right to determine their own destiny.
We also send our greetings to all Republican prisoners who are being beaten tortured and humiliated because to them a unified 32 County Socialist Republic is more precious then all the crumbs off the table the British masters offer.
Here in so called Canada we pledge to continue our support for your movement and struggle and work to strengthen our ties of solidarity and struggle.
Victory Belongs To The People