"To break the connection with England" Wolfe Tone

Monday, 23 February 2015

Lies and black propaganda by the media.

Yesterday February 22, the ‘Sunday life’ released an article with the intentions of discrediting the 32csm in Belfast and personally slandering the name of one of our members Martin Rafferty.
This type of black propaganda is nothing new to republicans, although due to the nature and content of this article we would like to publicly respond to the lies and accusations made by Tony Allen (Sunday life).
It is evident that this article is in direct response to a protest held a fe...w weeks ago by the 32 County Sovereignty Movement in Belfast against a so called ‘community policing’ meeting being held in Ligoniel between Sinn Fein and the rebranded RUC. The Belfast WolfeTone/McCracken cumann made it clear to all in attendance that this meeting had nothing to do with the wellbeing or safety of the community but instead was a tactic to put a false face on the political policing of republican areas and a means for MI5/Special Branch to carry out their shadowy acts.
As a result of the protest we firmly believe that Sinn Fein have been rattled and are now attempting to discredit the 32csm by publicly slandering individual members and creating mislead rumours through the media.
This article by Tony Allen states that our chairman Martin Rafferty “ordered” flags to be placed on top of tower blocks in the NewLodge area. In response to this we would like to make it clear that the 32csm have for the last lot of years been maintaining and replacing our national flag on top of the NewLodge flats whenever it becomes damaged due to the weather.
Another spurious claim says that Martin is “overseeing a major recruitment drive across Belfast” and that we are “purposely targeting teenagers in republican areas who have little education or employment prospects”. This is a blatant lie, membership to the 32csm is open to all and nobody is “targeted” in any way because of their age.
The article goes on to state that “quite a few kids have already signed up and that is largely down to Marty, who despite being a militant is very charismatic, but the danger for these kids is that they end up being used”, this accusation as far as we are concerned is nothing short of a desperate act to blacken Martin’s name and demonise him in the public eye, we would love to know where exactly Tony Allen got his information from (more than likely Sinn Fein) as the youngest member of the Belfast cumann is in their early 20’s.
This type of slander and black propaganda will not deter us in any way from our course, if anything it will only encourage us and make us more determined than ever to continue and grow.
As for the farcical community policing meetings held in the future, we will continue to disrupt them and make our opposition clear on British political policing in Ireland and the facilitation of said meetings by Sinn Fein.
Belfast Cumann 32csm.