In 1998 SinnFein signed the so called ‘Good Friday Agreement’ and as such the provisional movement was suckered into a losing game with Britain and undermined at every turn. As predicted SinnFein endorsed every command given to them by their warlord masters and led blindly into a scenario from which they couldn’t retreat, as a consequence the very fabric of Irish Republicanism seemed to be hanging in the balance.
However, what they didn’t foresee was that the willingness of men and women dedicated to the true cause of Irish freedom could not be easily bought or defeated and so the struggle for national self-determination, sovereignty and a 32 county socialist republic was continued on with strength.
Over the years British politicians, with the help of media outlets, have bombarded the public with lie’s, false promises and black propaganda in the hope of demonising and criminalising republicans. They would also have us believe that the political situation in the north has been rectified and life is nothing short of perfect, although in reality this is far from the truth and can only be seen for what it really is, another piece of Britain’s normalisation policy within the occupied 6 counties.
This policy would have us believe that the colonial Brit war machine is gone, both militarily and politically, however Stormont remains the British government’s political powerhouse in the north and the British army remain garrisoned throughout the 6 counties, operating both covertly and in uniform in nationalist areas. It is clear this foreign army has little or no intentions of removing itself from Ireland’s shores anytime soon.
Another part of the normalisation charade was to rebrand the sectarian ‘RUC’ as a new police force and with a more neutral sounding name, the ‘PSNI’. In the eyes of working class nationalists this force is far from reformed but instead is still as sectarian and bigoted as ever. In the view of the British justice system a blind eye is turned so this force can have free reign to continue their attack on republican communities through the use of harassment, brutal assaults, house raids and false arrests on spurious charges. This amounts to one thing, political policing.
Another more sinister side to this British police force is their close working relationship with special branch and MI5, both of which run paid informers through our communities and continually intimidate and put the lively hoods of republicans under threat. These two secret agencies have both been implicated in the past for involvement in numerous murders of innocent catholics and widespread collusion with loyalist paramilitaries.
As republicans it is down to us on a local and national level to expose and highlight these wrong doings and to inform the working class republican communities on what is really happening and the truth behind the media cover ups.
In Belfast, along with every other part of this Island, the 32 county sovereignty movement will continue to make it clear that we will not accept in any way shape or form, the illegal occupation of our land by a foreign country and government and we will not stay quiet about the bolstering and upholding of British rule by a domestic enemy of the Irish people.
Some label us dissidents and others call us hoods and drug dealers, in reality we are not criminals, we are Irish Republicans who are dedicated to the freedom our country and wish to see the complete removal of British involvement from our shores and to one day be part of a united 32 county independent socialist republic.
Go Raibh Maith Agat.