"To break the connection with England" Wolfe Tone

Sunday, 24 January 2016

Members of the 32 County Sovereignty Movement gathered at the Mansion House, Dublin on Thursday 21st January to mark Irelands Independence Day. The Declaration of Independence was read aloud on the steps of the historic building.
Francie Mackey, Chairperson of the 32CSM also spoke at the event.
Francie’s full speech is carried below.
"We are gathered here this evening for this simple ceremony as a reminder to the Irish people and to the Irish diaspora that on this date the 21st January 1919- 97 years ago the first Dail Eireann was formed here in the Mansion House following the general election at the end of 1918.
Our ancestors- the people of Ireland, had spoken across the whole 32 Counties of the nation, they voted for the objectives of the 1916 Proclamation.
Irish National Sovereignty was intact.
The Irish people declared their right to the ownership of Ireland and to the unfettered control of Irish destinies, to be sovereign and indefeasible.
Those assembled, elected the government and Declared the Independence of the
History records the British refused to accept the democratic will of the people and by the threat of force and terrible war pushed a different outcome against the will of the people.
However Irish National Sovereignty was established, the Irish people had declared their freedom and all acts forced on the nation were illegal and continues to be illegal to the present day.
The British forced two seats of power to be established on the island, Stormont and Leinster House.
In the years to follow many accords and agreements, the latest being in 1998 were forced on the people of Ireland with a predetermined outcome that is Partition.This was always the Home Rule mentality and continues to this day.
Following the Declaration of Independence the violation of our sovereignty was imposed.
We believe it is important to reiterate this point because it would appear there are malicious calls for a referendum/Border Poll to settle the dispute with the British Government.
Why should the Irish people have to cast a single vote for something already established?
Those in Stormont and Leinster House are part of the obstacle preventing the Irish people exercising their National rights.
Having declared their Independence the people have the right to defend and uphold it.
The challenge today presents us with the question, are those in Leinster House and Stormont protecting and upholding the Sovereignty of the Irish Nation as declared,
Or, Are they part of that obstacle that violates our sovereignty.
It is for the conscience of the people to decide and answer that question.
Sadly today the sentiments of the 1916 Proclamation that were ratified by the people in declaring our freedom have not been realised.
Today the rights of the people are violated by systems of government North and South that determines who we are through class politics.
Homelessness, Cuts in welfare and services, lack of services, exorbitant tax’s and tax on natural resources, unemployment, emigration, the list goes on.These are all symptoms of the capitalist manipulation of the nation’s wealth and resources.Resources sold off to foreign investors who remove the wealth out of the country.
What is left is shared by a few, whilst our citizens suffer hardship.
Is this treating all of the children of the nation equally?
Shame on those who are allowing this to happen.
As we leave here I pose this challenge to everyone, look what is really happening, wipe away the propaganda and ask ourselves the serious question, what can we do about it.
First and foremost we must stand together in Unity of Purpose and put a halt to allowing the divide and conquer mentality from keeping us apart.
Yes we have diverse views on issues, let us discuss them in a mature fashion and let the better argument win.
Let us build this proud nation once again.
Beir Bua"