In the period since the announcement
of our initiative, there has been no effort by the administration to
move forward in terms of creating normality and aiding a solution to the
issues that exist. In response to the call for the ending of the
degrading and brutal forced strip-searches of Republican POWs we have
been met with silence and subterfuge. Those in power have embarked on a
time wasting exercise in the guise of applying for a licence and
trialling of an x-ray machine. This is both unnecessary and absolutely
unacceptable – a fact that has been explicitly and consistently made
clear to everyone involved, including all political parties, NIPS,
facilitators and David Ford’s representatives in the assessment team.
Talk of trialling or bringing in X-ray machines is not necessary or
acceptable. There already exists technology acceptable and sufficient
that, in conjunction with acceptable searching techniques already in
place absolutely caters for the security needs of the prison. The
facilitators and David Ford’s own assessment team pointed to this as a
solution. We believe that this is still the basis for a solution.
Daily life on the Republican wing is
constantly overshadowed by problems cultivated as a result of the regime
that is currently imposed, a regime that is not in line with that
envisaged in the August 2010 Agreement. The culture of controlled
movement is a problem that has been recognised by many independent
reports into prison conditions, including the Anne Owers report which
stated that the regime on the Republican separated unit is
“unnecessarily restrictive”. Recommendations were made through the
prisoners’ ombudsman office and accepted by the Gaol administration;
however changes have never materialised, an all too common occurrence.
Republican POWs believe that the structure of any social institution
should be devoid totally of violence or force but each day we are faced
with the DST (riot squad) operating as landing staff (on Roe 4 only), a
group of bullies who are grounded on tactics which are moulded through
force and brutality, a trait demonstrated on many occasions in attempts
to dehumanise and demoralise Republican POWs; as they enforce their
draconian measures upon us at the behest of their faceless,
unaccountable superiors.
Recent reports and investigations
into the everyday running of Maghaberry have confirmed that securocratic
elements, including a built in mechanism, designed by and incorporating
MI5 is in operation throughout the compound; creating blockages and
stumbling blocks for change and progress. The most recent example was
when four Republican Prisoners were dragged from their cells/beds by DST
(riot squad) and forcibly transferred to another cell on a different
landing. After stating that they were not resisting the prisoners were
forced to the floor, where up to 8 members of the DST (riot squad)
imposed “secure” arm locks and unnecessarily aggressive techniques to
fulfill their barbaric orders. These actions prove to be in stark
contrast to those envisaged by the Republican POWs when we embarked on
our recent initiative and the deliberate re-current practice of
non-engagement in regards to these issues is nothing less than a
signpost to the failed procedures of the past. These “officers” work as a
militia on behalf of the British State, their very existence on this
wing is an instrument of brute-force intimidation……designed to break the
spirit of the Republican Prisoners, a spirit that cannot be broken.
We stand in the face of all that is
thrust upon us, we remain committed to the process of change; we will do
whatever is necessary to move forward and we will constantly assess our
position and alter out tactics/strategies if necessary. It is our
belief that the August 2010 Agreement is the basis for the change that
is required. However the prison administration must now move in a more
progressive direction.
Republican POWs are realistic and we
are conscious of the growing numbers at Maghaberry as a result of
internment by remand currently in practice across the occupied 6
counties. The Republican wing is full at present and there are no
available cells. Republican POWs who have been isolated for periods of
up to two years and who continue to be incarcerated on the CSU landing;
on dirty protest and in lock down for 23 hours per day must be
transferred to Roe House. The days of innuendo and false promises are
over. We will not stand idly by while Republicans enter this prison and
are forced to live in the cauldron of hate and hostility currently
imposed upon them. Prison chiefs now need to act. They need to step up
to the plate and deal with these important unavoidable issues head on
and create the space required to allow all Republican POWs to avail of
the separated facilities we are entitled to.
Republican Prisoners, Roe 4, Maghaberry