"To break the connection with England" Wolfe Tone

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Last saturday, anti-internment white line picket

Members of Belfast's Wolfetone & McCracken Cumann of the 32csm took to the streets along with hundreds of other republicans recently to show their opposition to the continued use of Internment against Irish republicans. This Anti Internment protest in the form of a white line picket was one of the largest protests seen in recent years despite the harsh winter weather conditions on the day. It is a clear sign that Irishmen and women won't stand idly by as Britain continues to commit illegal human rights abuses against Irish citizens who's only crime is to be a republican. Wether it be Marian Price, Martin Corey,Stephen Murney or you next, opposition to Britain's torturous treatment of our citizens should be met with angry voices and marching feet! Those so called elected representatives who continue to remain silent on this issue are a disgrace and have clearly chosen which side they are on, the side of the oppressor .

Don't sit back and be silent, get involved and have your voice heard. belfast32csm@hotmail.com