"To break the connection with England" Wolfe Tone

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Stormont Delivering Misery For The Working Class.

Most parties at Stormont have committed to delivering Tory led cuts against the working class across the six counties, over £350 million less to be allocated here in benefits through the so called ‘welfare reform’. These cuts will target the poorest and most vulnerable in our society ensuring the rich get richer and the poor get poo...rer.
Whilst ministers, MLA’s and civil servants continue to spend over a quarter of a million pound on leisure travel across the globe, staying in plush 5 star hotels subsidising their meals and tea parties at Stormont with another quarter of a million pound, the reality for those in working class areas is one of hardship, the continuing struggle to meet house bills as the prices rise, feeding their families as best possible with inflation raising the prices of standard groceries.
Against this backdrop MLA’s have decided to accept a pay rise of 11% bringing their average wage from approximately £43,000 to £48,000 per year.

This is some of what the working class can expect to face across the six counties in coming times:
-Growing unemployment.
-A cap on benefits (regardless of circumstances).
-Forced labour for your benefits.
-School closures.
-Nursing home closures.
-Cuts in healthcare.
-A rise in child poverty in which parts of the north already have the highest rates in Europe.
-Housing discrimination/much needed housing not being allocated to priority needs.

Do not be afraid to speak out against Stormont ministers and MLAs as it is they who are controlling your fate whether it’s your wage, benefits or healthcare. These are the decisions we as working class people need to make and agree upon ourselves.
Stormont is a failed regime doing no good for anyone but the ‘big wigs’ of society.