"To break the connection with England" Wolfe Tone

Monday, 17 June 2013


And the Job is done, the message is sent. In the North of Ireland, we now have eight international war criminals, a massing, to discuss and gloat at their achievements in the destruction of their fella man.

Today, we hear reports that the G8 are to discuss Syria as their number one subject. As we all know, the US, Uk and France are behind this war, supported by Israel. This is not a discussion about the fact that innocent people are dying, this is a discussion about the fact that their plans had failed, and they will now supply more arms, to Terrorists, to bomb more of the country, and terrorize more of the people. 

TO the G8 we say, you are war criminals, and will be brought to tasks for your crimes. Your New World Order will fail. People are waking up to you, you will not be put in front of a corrupt judge at the International War Crimes Court, no you will face the peoples judgement. That judgement has been passed. GUILTY!!!