A young mother was travelling with her partner and her 10 year old son when stopped by the RUC/PSNI who followed them before deciding to stop and search them as they passed through a Loyalist area. She was told that they intended to carry out a search under the illegal section 44 and proceeded to conduct a search. They stated then that they intended to conduct a search on her 10 year old son who in fear clung to his mother and while searching him they pulled down the trousers of the youngster.
The young mother and child were absolutely distraught and this shows that the supposed new face of policing have no qualms about abusing young children to enforce their will upon parents.
Illegal actions such as this when conducted by the British paramilitary supposed Police force seem to be given a blind eye with the media buying into their roles of censors, granting virtual ca...rte blanche to the British storm troopers to continue their abuses.
In the early hours of this morning,2 young females and their friend were stopped outside a busy nightclub in Derry. The RUC informed them that they intended to conduct a stop search under a section of legislation which was ruled illegal by the European courts in 2010, namely section 44.
They informed the 2 young girls that they required a female officer to search them and held them outside the nightclub for 40 minutes until one became available. (This nightclub is a couple of hundred yards from the main RUC station in Derry).
As they were being made to wait the RUC took the opportunity to make reference to the families and parent of those they had stopped in an attempt to agitate and provoke.
When eventually the female RUC officer arrived and conducted the search, the 2 girls were then approached by the male who then asked the 2 girls to get into the car, stating that he'd leave them home and save them getting a taxi.. The young girls after suffering the indignation of being publicly humiliated outside the nightclub were absolutely disgusted and embarrassed before his creepy offer and told him where to go..
This is 2013 Political Policing which has and is being given the Green light to continue their abuses by the silence of the paid for Quislings and the complicity of the media which turn a blind eye.
If anybody finds themselves a victim of these types of abuses by the RUC/PSNI, email derry32csm@hotmail.com or approach a member of their local cumann.